The government of New Zealand has announced that it will phase out its border exception program by the end of July.

Key Points:

  • Main border exception categories and class exceptions will close on July 31. Employers will have until the end of July 31 to submit their border exception requests.
  • Primary sector class exceptions will close on Sept. 1.

Additional Information: More information regarding New Zealand’s border reopening plan is available here.

BAL Analysis: As New Zealand moves towards fully reopening its border by the end of July, border exceptions are no longer needed as a pathway for people to enter the country. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and BAL will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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The New Zealand government has announced that it will increase its application filing fees for most visa types.

Key Points:

  • Beginning July 31, government filing fees for most visa applications will increase by an average of 43%.
  • The increases to government filing fees include but are not limited to:
    • Skilled Migrant Category applications, from 3,310 NZD to 4,890 NZD.
    • Investor 1 and 2 Category applications, from 4,960 NZD to 7,780 NZD.
    • Entrepreneur Residence Category applications, from 4,140 NZD to 6,860.
    • Family Category applications, from 2,250 NZD to 3,610 NZD.
    • Employees of Relocating Businesses Category applications, from 2,670 NZD to 5,210 NZD.
  • A complete list of fee changes is available here.

BAL Analysis: Employers should take the new filing fees into account when assessing their budgets.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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The New Zealand government has opened applications for Accredited Employer Work Visas (AEWVs) and all other work visas as part of the country’s COVID-19 recovery plan.

Key Points:

  • As of July 4, foreign nationals who are outside of New Zealand can apply for AEWVs and other work visas.
  • Spouses, partners, and dependent children of principal applicants who are outside of New Zealand can also apply for visas.
  • AEWVs applications must be submitted online through the new Immigration Online Platform; however, AEWV applications can only be submitted after the Job Check application is approved.

Additional Information: Visa applicants must still meet New Zealand’s health border measures, including being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and completing a New Zealand Traveler Declaration. More information regarding AEWVs is available here. A list of other work visas is available here.

BAL Analysis: Foreign nationals who are outside New Zealand can now apply work visa applications for the first time since early 2022.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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The government of New Zealand has eased its COVID-19 entry requirements.

Key Points:

  • As of June 20, those who are traveling to New Zealand no longer need a COVID-19 pre-departure test to enter the country.
  • Travelers must still take a COVID-19 self-test on the first or second day after arrival and on the fifth or sixth day after arrival, complete a traveler declaration and provide proof of full vaccination.
  • Travelers who are 17 and older and are not citizens of Australia or citizens or permanent residents of must be fully vaccinated to enter the country.

Additional Information: Those who are transiting through New Zealand do not need to be vaccinated against COVID-19. More information regarding entry requirements for New Zealand is available here.

BAL Analysis: New Zealand authorities removed the pre-departure testing requirement on June 20 instead of July 31 due to the decline in COVID-19 cases throughout the country. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and BAL will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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The government of New Zealand has reduced visa application requirements for travelers from certain countries added to the Low Tuberculosis Incidence list

Key Points:

  • On June 7, New Zealand authorities added 85 countries to the Low Tuberculosis Incidence list. The list includes Australia, Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and most EU countries, among others.
  • Individuals who are applying for a temporary visa to stay in New Zealand more than six months must have a chest x-ray completed if they:
    • Are citizens from countries not on the Low Tuberculosis Incidence list.
    • Have stayed in a country not on the list for more than three months in the last five years.

Additional Information: More information regarding the changes to the Low Tuberculosis Incidence list is available here.

BAL Analysis: Many travelers to New Zealand will no longer be required to provide a chest x-ray when applying for a visa to stay in the country for longer than six months.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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The government of New Zealand has announced that it will accelerate is reopening plan and will lift all border measures by July 2022.

Key Points:

  • Beginning May 17, individuals from Pacific Island Forum countries, except Australia, will be allowed to apply for visas through this website.
  • Beginning July 4, the New Zealand government will open all work visa categories to new applications, including the Accredited Employer Work Visa.
  • Beginning July 31, students and visitor visa categories will reopen to all travelers. More information for students intending to travel to New Zealand is available here.

Additional Information: Several changes have been announced including the introduction of new residence pathways that use a “Green List” and an extension on most Work-to-Residence visa holders who were in New Zealand on May 9 and whose visas expire before Dec. 31 have received an automatic six-month extension. More information regarding the border reopening and visa extensions is available here.

BAL Analysis: While the border reopening signals that traveling to New Zealand will be easier in the coming months, entry restrictions and health protocols can change with little or no notice. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and BAL will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice Group. For additional information, please contact

Copyright © 2022 Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP. All rights reserved. Reprinting or digital redistribution to the public is permitted only with the express written permission of Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP. For inquiries, please contact

The government of New Zealand has published a policy outline for the job check application and labor market test portions of the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV).

Job Check:

  • Beginning June 20, accredited employers will be able to submit job check applications.
  • Multiple positions for the same job can be included in one job check if the job details are the same and are all covered by the same advertising (where required) and proposed employment agreement.
  • Employers must provide a job description, an employment agreement and evidence of advertising (when a labor market test is required) within the application.
  • Job check applications must be approved before a foreign national can apply for the AEWV and will be valid for six months or until the employer’s accreditation expires.

Labor Market Test:

  • Job check applications must include a labor market test when the position is paid less than NZ$55.52 per hour.
  • The labor market test must advertise a specific job for at least 14 days on national job websites or other locations that are more likely to attract qualified New Zealand nationals or residents.

AEWV Applications:

  • Beginning July 4, foreign nationals can submit their AEWV applications. Applications must include:
    • Evidence that the applicant meets health and character requirements.
    • An employment offer with the same job requirements listed in the job check.
    • Evidence that the applicant is qualified for the offered role.
  • New Zealand authorities will grant AEWVs valid for up to three years.

Additional Information: Beginning July 3, the Essential Skills work visa category will no longer be available. Employers will be required to use AEWVs to hire skilled workers from July 4. More information regarding how to hire foreign nationals on the AEWV is available here.

BAL Analysis: Employers should note that it may take an additional four to five weeks to complete the Job Check application process after they acquire accreditation.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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The government of New Zealand has reopened the country’s borders to visa waiver travelers.

Key Points:

  • As of May 2, individuals can enter New Zealand if they are classified as a visa waiver traveler, hold a New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) (when required) and meet COVID-19 health requirements.
  • Those classified as visa wavier travelers include individuals from a visa waiver country; Australian citizens, permanent residents or return visa holders; and a limited number of others.
  • Travelers must have an NZeTA unless they are a New Zealand citizen or qualify for an NZeTA exemption.
  • Those who are not New Zealand citizens or permanent residents must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and meet pre-departure testing requirements to enter New Zealand. COVID-19 vaccination requirements are available here. Pre-departure testing requirements are available here.

BAL Analysis: While traveling to New Zealand should be easier for some in the coming months, entry restrictions and health protocols can change with little or no notice. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and BAL will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

 This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

Copyright © 2022 Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP. All rights reserved. Reprinting or digital redistribution to the public is permitted only with the express written permission of Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP. For inquiries please contact

The government of New Zealand has provided updated criteria for employer accreditation.

Key Points:

  • New Zealand authorities require employers to prove that they are a viable and operating business for employer accreditation.
  • The new accreditation criteria include requirements for employers to provide employees settlement support information within one month of the employee’s start date, including accommodation and transportation options, access to healthcare services and specific industry training information and options.
  • Employers who do not satisfy accreditation criteria may be fined, incur delays in accreditation and will have their ability to access migrant resources negatively impacted. A full list accreditation penalties is available here.

BAL Analysis: Employers should note the new accreditation policies and ensure their employment agreements satisfy the new requirements.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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The government of New Zealand has introduced a new 2022 Special Ukraine Visa for family members of Ukrainians in New Zealand.

Key Points:

  • Applications for the 2022 Special Ukraine Visa are open now and until March 15, 2023.
  • In order to apply, a family member in New Zealand must nominate an applicant for the visa by competing an expression of interest (EOI) form. To be eligible to sponsor an individual for the 2022 Special Ukraine visa, sponsors must:
    • Be a New Zealand national or resident visa holder, live in New Zealand regularly, have been born in Ukraine or held citizenship or permanent residence in Ukraine and meet the requirements to sponsor a temporary-class visa.
  • Individuals who receive the 2022 Special Ukraine Visa will be able to live and work in New Zealand for two years.

Additional Information: Eligible family members in New Zealand can sponsor their parents, grandparents, siblings and adult children for the visa. Each of those sponsored individuals can include their spouse and dependent children in the visa application. More information regarding the application process is available here.

BAL Analysis: The government of New Zealand continues to consider other immigration concessions for Ukrainian nationals and their family members. Employers and employees are reminded that actions taken as a result of the invasion of Ukraine may change with little or no notice.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice Group. For additional information, please contact

Copyright © 2022 Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP. All rights reserved. Reprinting or digital redistribution to the public is permitted only with the express written permission of Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP. For inquiries, please contact