The U.S. State Department released the October Visa Bulletin. Final Action Date movement includes advancement for India under EB-3 and China under EB-1 and EB-2. The Dates for Filing chart controls eligibility to file for adjustment of status or an immigrant visa (green card applications).

Final Action Dates and Dates for Filing Movement:


  • China EB-1 Final Action Date will advance seven days to Nov. 8, 2022. The Date for Filing will remain the same.
  • India EB-1 Final Action Date will remain the same. The Date for Filing will advance more than two months to April 15, 2022.
  • All other countries under EB-1, including Mexico and the Philippines, will remain the same.


  • China EB-2 Final Action Date will advance 21 days to March 22, 2020. The Date for Filing advances four months to Oct. 1, 2020.
  • India EB-2 Final Action Date will remain the same. The Date for Filing will advance more than five months to Jan. 1, 2013.
  • All other countries under EB-2 Final Action Dates, including Mexico and the Philippines, will remain the same. The Dates for Filing will advance more than four months to Aug. 1, 2023.


  • China EB-3 Final Action Date will retrogress five months to April 1, 2020. The Date for Filing will retrogress by nearly eight months to Nov. 15, 2020.
  • India EB-3 Final Action Date will advance 10 days to Nov. 1, 2012. The Date for Filing will advance more than seven months to June 8, 2013.
  • All other countries under EB-3 Final Action Dates, including Mexico and the Philippines, will progress two years to Nov. 15, 2022. The Date for Filing will advance by one month to March 1, 2023.

Final Action Dates for Employment-Based Preference Cases


All chargeability areas except those listed China India Mexico


EB-1 Current Nov. 8, 2022 Feb. 1, 2022 Current Current
EB-2 March 15, 2023 March 22, 2020 July 15, 2012 March 15, 2023 March 15, 2023
EB-3 Nov. 15, 2022 April 1, 2020 Nov. 1, 2012 Nov. 15, 2022 Nov. 15, 2022

Dates for Filing of Employment-Based Visa Applications


All chargeability areas except those listed China India Mexico


EB-1 Current Jan. 1, 2023 April 15, 2022 Current Current
EB-2 Aug. 1, 2023 Oct. 1, 2020 Jan. 1, 2013 Aug. 1, 2023 Aug. 1, 2023
EB-3 March 1, 2023 Nov. 15, 2020 June 8, 2013 March 1, 2023 March 1, 2023

This alert has been provided by the BAL U.S. Practice Group.

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