U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced a new mission statement Wednesday, one that the agency said reflects the Biden administration’s priorities and Director Ur M. Jaddou’s vision.

The new mission statement is: “USCIS upholds America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve.”

Last year, USCIS accepted submissions from employees on the words that they felt best illustrated the agency’s work, and their feedback was taken into consideration when developing the statement, the agency said.

“At its core, USCIS is about delivering decisions to families, businesses, workers, and those seeking refuge in our country on their applications, petitions, requests, and appeals,” Director Jaddou said. “This new mission statement reflects the inclusive character of both our country and this agency.”

Director Jaddou’s full statement is available here.

This alert has been provided by the BAL U.S. Practice group. For additional information, please contact berryapplemanleiden@bal.com.

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