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The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) has submitted comments during the public comment period for the H-1B online registration fee rule. The rule, which U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has said it plans to introduce this coming cap season, will require petitioners to file an online registration form for each prospective H-1B candidate, using an H-1B registration tool, and pay a $10 fee per registration.
Key points:
Background: USCIS has taken steps in recent months to implement the H-1B registration system for the upcoming cap season. The agency proposed a $10 H-1B registration fee rule on Sept. 4 and opened a 30-day public comment period that ended Oct. 4. The agency also released a screen shot of the H-1B registration tool earlier this month with a comment period ending Nov. 8.
BAL Analysis: The comments indicate some of the concerns of the immigration bar about the timing and implementation of the H-1B registration system and their impact on employers who are now beginning to prepare for cap season. It is hoped that USCIS will address these concerns in the final regulation and in its testing and rollout of the system. Employers should continue to anticipate that the agency is likely to implement the H-1B registration system for the coming cap season, and that the registration period would likely be held sometime between January and March.
This alert has been provided by the BAL U.S. Practice group. For additional information, please contact
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