The Home Office announced that organizations will no longer need to renew their sponsor licenses beginning April 6.

Key Points:

  • Employers must obtain an authorization (“sponsor license”) from the Home Office in order to employ foreign workers. Organizations apply to the Home Office by completing an online application form and submitting the required information and documents.
  • A sponsor license is valid for four years and previously required renewal three months before the expiration date.
  • Officials have now removed the requirement to renew the sponsor license and automatically extended all licenses due to expire on or after April 6 for an additional 10 years.
  • Sponsored organizations that have already filed a license renewal application should arrange with officials for a renewal fee refund.

Additional Information: Sponsor licenses due to expire before April 6 must still apply for renewal and pay the appropriate fee before the expiration date.

BAL Analysis: Sponsors can view their license expiration and earliest renewal dates in their sponsorship management system account. More information on the license renewal process can be found at the sponsor guidance website. This a welcome change for sponsored employers and provides additional convenience and cost savings. BAL will continue following developments and will provide updates as information becomes available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice Group.

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