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What is the change? The Home Office has released an iPhone app designed to make it easier for individuals to verify their identity when applying for the EU Settlement Scheme.
What does the change mean? Applicants with an iPhone 8 (or above) will be able to use the EU Exit ID Document Check APP to verify their identity. They must have a biometric passport or biometric residence permit (BRP) in order to use the app. Applicants who are unable to use the app can verify their identity by mailing their passport or by bringing it to any of more than 80 locations in the U.K. The app continues to be available to people who have an Android 6.0 (or above) as well; it is expected to be available for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus following an upcoming software update.
Background: The app is part of an extensive effort by the Home Office to encourage EU/EEA or Swiss nationals to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme as the Oct. 31 Brexit deadline approaches. Currently, EU/EEA and Swiss nationals have until at least December 2020 to apply.
Analysis & Comments: The app could make it easier for some applicants to complete a key part of EU Settlement applications. EU/EEA and Swiss nationals who want to remain in the U.K. are encouraged to work closely with their immigration provider to determine whether they are eligible for the settlement scheme and, if so, how to go about completing their applications.
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