What is the change? Applicants for residence permits for highly skilled professionals are experiencing delays when booking appointments to have fingerprints taken at police stations in Barcelona.

What does the change mean? While applicants can usually begin working before fingerprinting is completed, the delays have caused problems for visa-required nationals who need to travel abroad before their fingerprints are taken and their permits finalized.

  • Implementation time frame: Ongoing.
  • Visas/permits affected: Residence permits, including residence permits for highly skilled professionals.
  • Who is affected: Employers and non-EU/EEA nationals applying for residence permits.
  • Business impact: Visa-required nationals may need to postpone international travel or obtain a visa if they need to leave Spain before they obtain their permits.

Additional information: The delays for highly skilled professionals are occurring in Barcelona, not other parts of Spain. Applicants for other types of residence permits, however, are seeing delays elsewhere in the country. In Madrid, for example, family members who are applying to join an EU national family member are experiencing significant delays when making appointments. Exact wait times will depend on the type of permit and the location in Spain.

Analysis & Comments: Employers are encouraged to work closely with Deloitte to determine the best options for employees who are experiencing processing delays or delays in making an appointment. Visa-required nationals who have urgent travel needs but do not yet have their residence permit should contact Deloitte immediately.

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