The Government has announced several updates to its border measures including Stay-Home Notices (SHN).

Key Points:

  • From June 17, 11:59 p.m., travelers entering Singapore who remained in the following countries/regions in the last 14 consecutive days prior to entry, will no longer have to serve their SHN at dedicated SHN facilities: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, mainland China, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam.
  • Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents may serve their 14-day SHN at their place of residence. Long Term Pass holders may serve their 14-day SHN at a place of residence that they or their family members own or are sole tenants of, or in suitable accommodation such as a hotel (at their own cost). All other travelers entering Singapore will continue to serve their 14-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities.
  • From June 17, 11:59 p.m., all incoming travelers entering Singapore will be tested for COVID-19. The test will be scheduled a few days before the end of the SHN period, at a designated community testing facility. All those under SHN will receive an SMS notification informing them of the scheduled appointment slot and venue. They will have to travel from their place of residence to the designated testing facility and return immediately after the test, using their own private vehicle or designated transport. Public transport should be avoided.
  • From June 17, 11:59 p.m., all inbound and outbound travelers who enter or leave Singapore will be required to pay for their COVID-19 test, where applicable. In addition, all incoming travelers who are not Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents will be required to pay for their stay at dedicated SHN facilities, where applicable. Prevailing charges can be found here.
  • Singaporeans and residents of Singapore are still advised to defer all travel abroad. However, essential business and official travel will be permitted under Green/Fast Lane arrangements, which comprises the Singapore-China Fast Lane as of June 15.
  • All Long Term Pass holders will continue to require prior approval before entering Singapore, except for those returning under the Singapore-China Fast Lane arrangements.
  • Short-term visitors are still not allowed to enter Singapore, except those coming in under the Green/Fast Lane arrangements, or with special prior approval
  • Background: Singapore implemented initial quarantine and travel restrictions, including the SHN, in March.

Additional information: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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