Russia has updated its immigration registration process with the aim of easing compliance.
Key Points:
- The range of foreign citizens who may act as a host party and obtain immigration registration for other foreigners has been expanded. After the changes come into force, any foreign citizen who owns a residential property in Russia will be able to act as a host party. Currently, highly qualified specialists can as act their own host, as well as for their family members, and foreign citizens holding a permanent residence permit, and other foreigners owning residential properties in Russia, can act as hosts for themselves only.
- Online registration via the Gosuslugi portal has been added to the existing options (i.e., in-person visit to a Ministry of Internal Affairs territorial body, a multifunctional government services center, or a post office).
- Foreign citizens must register independently, if their host party permanently resides abroad, and provide a notarized consent from the host party to stay in the residential property.
- If a foreign citizen moves to a hotel, the previously obtained immigration registration will not be canceled. However, if moving from one hotel to another, the first hotel will deregister them and the new hotel will then register them.
- The approved changes will enter into force 90 days after their official release.
Analysis & Comments: The wording of the law is designed to simplify the administrative formalities for all parties involved. However, each territorial branch of the Ministry of internal Affairs can set its own requirements for immigration registration. We strongly recommend double-checking the process details and the list of documents in advance for each particular case.
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