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What is the news? The Supreme Audit Office (NIK) has just published its report summarizing results of the official audit conducted on the public administration’s capability to handle foreigners’ immigration matters in Poland.
Key findings:
Report conclusions: The report concludes that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy, in particular, are accountable for delays as they did not create updated official documents governing state policy on immigration and employment of foreigners in Poland, nor did they effectively fulfill their role of overseeing the provincial immigration offices.
The report calls upon the Ministry of Internal Affairs to develop new strategies and state policies to properly address the processing time delays and inefficiencies within the state agencies, including provincial offices. The Ministry of Internal Affairs must submit a plan to the Council of Ministers specifying how they will improve the procedures for legalizing work and stay for foreigners and reduce the waiting time for the adjudication of permits.
In addition, the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy has been advised to develop a new method to reduce labor market shortages, specifically relating to high-skilled occupations, and to focus on integrating and retaining foreign talent.
Background: Last September, the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) began a country-wide audit of voivodeship offices and labor offices, including the Office for Foreigners (Urząd do spraw Cudzoziemców) and other offices responsible for immigration policy and oversight. The audit aimed to assess the cause of immigration processing delays across the country and the government cost associated with these delays.
Analysis & Comments: The report’s findings identify the scope and breadth of ongoing processing delays in Poland, and specify the actions relevant government agencies must take to improve the current situation. The report’s conclusions are especially important for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy, as they are responsible for creating strategy documents on immigration policy and foreigner labor matters in Poland. The report requests that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs improve its supervision over subordinate agencies responsible for handling immigration assistance for foreigners, including provincial offices and the Head Office for Foreigners. The report states that authorities have already addressed some of the conclusions during the audit but the major conclusions still require action from various immigration departments.
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