What is the change? Canada’s Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC) has confirmed that it will reopen the Parent and Grandparent Program later this month.

What does the change mean? An estimated 20,000 applications for the program are projected to be accepted in 2019 on a first-come, first-served basis, according to an announcement by IRCC Minister Ahmed Hussen in August 2018. Canadian citizens or permanent residents interested in sponsoring a parent or grandparent through the program should prepare to file a statement of interest as soon as the program opens.  

  • Implementation time frame: Late January. The government has not yet provided a specific date.
  • Who is affected: Canadian citizens or permanent residents seeking to sponsor a parent or grandparent for permanent residency.
  • Next steps: Interested applicants should watch for the opening date and be prepared to meet minimum income requirements demonstrating that they will be able to support their parent or grandparent.

Analysis & Comments: The expected increase in the application quota, from 17,000 in 2018 to 20,000 this year, is welcome news for Canadian citizens and permanent residents who want to sponsor a parent or grandparent. Interested applicants are reminded that this is an extremely popular program and they should prepare to file as soon as the filing period is announced.

This alert was prepared by Garson LLP, an independent law firm, allied with Deloitte LLP in Canada.