The Mexican government introduced reduced passport processing requirements as part of a new system streamlining administrative procedures.

Key Points:

  • In February, officials introduced an agreement streamlining administrative procedures.
  • The measure simplifies the issuance of passports, identity and travel documents and the legalization of public documents for use abroad.
  • The number of requirements for first-time adult and minor passport applicants were reduced, as were the requirements for passport renewals due to loss or theft.

Additional Information: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched a new passport system last month under the agreement and now has the technology to access and print civil registry documents such as birth, marriage, death and adoption certificates, among others. Passport applicants may still need to submit these documents if the Passport Office requests them when their digital systems cannot access the necessary records. Government officials stated the Digital Transformation Agency is assisting with the initiative and marks the beginning of a “new era in passport issuance.”

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice Group.

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