The Israeli government announced that travelers from high-risk “red” countries can shorten their mandatory quarantine from 12 days to 10 days if they meet certain requirements. To qualify for the shortened quarantine, travelers must register the location of their quarantine with the Ministry of Health database upon their arrival.
Key Points:
- Travelers must undergo an initial PCR test for COVID-19 as soon as possible after entering self-isolation. Tests must be conducted at a drive-through testing site or designated location for those in quarantine.
- A second test must be performed nine days after entry to Israel and at least 24 hours after the first PCR test.
- If both tests are negative, a notification will be sent to the individual informing them they have been cleared to exit quarantine after 10 days.
Analysis & Comments: Israel is slowly easing quarantine restrictions after a second nation-wide lockdown that lasted for months. A shorter quarantine period could help facilitate movement of people within Israel for work and business purposes. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.
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