What is the change? India’s Intern Visa is now a subcategory of the Student Visa program.

What does the change mean? From now on, foreign nationals planning an internship in India will apply for a Student Visa for the purpose of “coming for Internship in India (including those coming under the French VIE program).”

  • Implementation time frame: Immediate and ongoing.
  • Visas/permits affected: Intern Visas, Student Visas.
  • Who is affected: Foreign nationals intending to complete an internship in India.
  • Impact on processing: No changes at this time.

Background: India introduced Intern Visas in March 2017 for foreigners (recent graduates and post-graduates) intending to pursue internships with Indian companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), or education institutions in India. Before this change, foreigners had to apply for an Employment Visa which had a higher salary threshold compared to the salary threshold for the Intern Visa (360,000 rupees per annum). The government introduced subcategories to the Intern Visa program in February 2018, and has now moved to merge Intern Visas with the Student Visa Program.

Analysis & Comments: This change has eliminated a separate category of Intern Visa in an effort to align the program with global best practices. Authorities have not yet published an official press release or FAQ, but the change has already been implemented in practice and on India’s online visa application portal.

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