Countries are increasingly suspending or limiting travel from India following a recent surge of COVID-19 cases. The countries that have recently adopted restrictions include:

  • Australia. Australia halted all direct flights from India until May 15.
  • Canada. Canada suspended all direct commercial and private passenger flights from India for 30 days starting April 22.
  • France. France recently tightened COVID-19 entry, testing and quarantine protocols for travelers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India and South Africa.
  • Germany. Germany restricted entry from India, with exceptions of German citizens, permanent residents, individuals in transit who do not leave the airport, cargo flights or those traveling due to urgent humanitarian crises.
  • Indonesia. On April 24, Indonesia suspended entry of foreign nationals who have been in India in the 14 days before their intended arrival in Indonesia.
  • Italy. Italy strictly limited travel from India until May 12, with some narrow exceptions.
  • Malaysia. Malaysia restricted all travelers coming from India on April 28, including those transiting through India, from entering the country. Malaysian citizens are exempt.
  • Netherlands. The Netherlands banned all passenger flights from India until at least May 1.
  • Philippines. The Philippines banned travelers coming from India or those who have been in India in the past 14 days until May 14.
  • Singapore. Singapore has moved to halt entry to long- and short-term pass holders who have traveled to India in the past 14 days.
  • United Arab Emirates. The UAE banned all flights from India for 10 days starting April 24, with exemptions for UAE citizens, diplomats, official delegations and businesspersons holding Golden Visas traveling on chartered flights. Passengers who have transited through India in the past 14 days will not be permitted to board to the UAE.
  • United Kingdom. The U.K. added India to its COVID-19 “red list,” meaning most foreign nationals traveling from India (except British nationals, Irish nationals and those with residence rights in the UK) will be barred entry to the U.K.

Additional Information: More information on restrictions on travel from India is available on this Indian Bureau of Immigration website.

Analysis & Comments: Recent changes make travel from India to certain countries difficult if not impossible. Countries may add additional changes with little or no notice. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes.

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