What is the change? Authorities have closed government offices in Port Moresby and other parts of Papua New Guinea after riots erupted throughout the country.

What does the change mean? Services are unavailable in areas where government offices are closed. Delays should be expected once government offices reopen.  

  • Implementation timeframe: Ongoing.
  • Visas/permits affected: All visas, permits and other immigration or government services.
  • Who is affected: Anyone seeking immigration or other government services in Papua New Guinea.
  • Impact on processing times: Processing delays are expected not just when offices are closed, but also once they reopen due to an anticipated backlog in applications and other requests.
  • Business impact: Businesses may need to adjust timelines and start dates to accommodate employees affected by office closures.
  • Next steps: BAL will continue to monitor events in Papua New Guinea and will report on any significant changes.

Background: Riots erupted across Papua New Guinea after police opened fire on student demonstrators protesting the government, according to numerous media outlets. Reports conflict about the number of people who have been killed or injured. Authorities have closed government offices as they seek to regain control. A number of countries, including the United States, have issued statements advising travellers to exercise high degrees of caution in Papua New Guinea, especially in parts of Port Moresby where demonstrations are expected.

BAL Analysis: Employers and individuals should anticipate delays while government offices are closed and when they reopen. Travellers should exercise caution when in Papua New Guinea.  

This alert has been provided by BAL Australia. For additional information, please contact

MARN: 9683856

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