France’s COVID-19 state of emergency has been extended until July 10, but a lockdown requiring people to obtain certificates before leaving home has been lifted.

Key Points:

  • People can move freely within 100 kilometers of their home (in French cities and French overseas territories).
  • Those wishing to exceed this limitation outside their department of residence must complete and sign an attestation stating one of the following reasons for traveling beyond the 100 kilometers:
    • Urgent work.
    • Studies or taking an exam.
    • Medical reasons.
    • Urgent family reasons.
    • Reporting to police/national authorities.
    • Summons to appear before administrative and judicial authorities.
    • Specific tasks imposed by the administrative authorities.
  • Government officials can impose a 14-day quarantine on those coming from a third country (not European Union countries or the United Kingdom) in the following situations:
    • If travelers are coming from an area deemed infected by COVID-19 (according to the Ministry of Health list).
    • If travelers are infected by COVID-19 as certified by a certificate from a medical doctor.

Additional information: Some kindergarten, primary and middle schools are reopening. Some shops are also opening, with the exception of restaurants and bars, provided they implement all sanitary requirements.

French government administrations, including the prefectures, will resume activities progressively and will review applications in accordance with necessity (right of asylum will take priority). Borders are still closed until further notice. The European Commission has required the travel ban continue until at least June 15.

Analysis & Comments: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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