What is the change? The Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has issued new rules for Venezuelan nationals entering Ecuador.

What does the change mean?  Venezuelan nationals entering Ecuador must now present a criminal record certificate to immigration authorities upon arrival. The criminal record certificate must be apostilled or legalized and should be issued by either the country of origin or the country in which the individual has resided for the last five years.

  • Implementation time frame: Jan. 21
  • Who is affected: Venezuelan nationals traveling to Ecuador, with limited exceptions for transit travelers and individuals with close family members in Ecuador.
  • Visas/ permits affected: T-3 stamp, tourism visas.

Background: Venezuelan nationals are required to present their current passport or Venezuelan ID with a validation certificate, upon entry, in addition to a criminal record certificate. On Feb. 1, the ministry announced exceptions to the new rule, including Venezuelans transiting through Ecuador and holding a valid visa or migratory permit to a destination country, and Venezuelans who maintain family ties up to the second degree of blood relations with Ecuadorians living in the country, among other exceptional cases.

Analysis & Comments: Venezuelan nationals traveling to Ecuador must obtain a criminal record certificate prior to entry to be compliant with the new rule, and should factor in additional time to obtain the certificate and complete document-authentication procedures.

Source: Deloitte LLP. Deloitte LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC303675 and its registered office at 1 New Street Square, London EC4A 3HQ, United Kingdom.