What is the change? Ecuador has cancelled visa exemptions for nationals of 11 countries, requiring them to obtain consular visas prior to arrival.
What does the change mean? Nationals of Angola, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, India, Iraq, Libya, Sri Lanka, and Syria are no longer visa exempt and must apply for a consular visa to travel to Ecuador for tourism and business.
- Effective date: Aug. 14.
- Who is affected: Foreign nationals from 11 countries, traveling to Ecuador for tourism and business.
- Visas/ permits affected: Tourist and business visas.
Background: According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the new visa requirements aim to regulate the growing number of travelers arriving from the 11 previously visa-waivered countries.
Analysis & Comments: Tourists and business travelers from the affected countries will now need to obtain a consular visa, which generally allows for an initial stay of 90 days (extendable in-country), before entering Ecuador. Please contact your immigration advisor for more information on consular visa processing.
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