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Chinese officials announced additional measures aimed at simplifying the process for foreign nationals seeking to visit China.
Key Points:
Additional Information: The Chinese government will relax conditions on port visas by allowing foreign nationals to apply at a port visa authority with an invitation letter and other accompanying documents if they are unable to obtain a visa beforehand due to time constraints. Individuals must be visiting China for non-diplomatic official business activities, visits and exchanges, investment and entrepreneurship, private affairs or to visit relatives. Individuals traveling under those circumstances may also extend their stay by submitting applications to the exit-entry administrations of the public security offices located closest to where they are staying while in China.
BAL Analysis: The measures are designed to further eliminate challenges related to doing business, studying and traveling in China. The Chinese government has prioritized opening up the country to facilitate increased travel and spark further economic development in its economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice Group.
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