What is the change? In response to the recent independent review panel report recommending wholesale changes to the 457 visa program, Australia’s Department of Immigration and Border Protection has indicated in meetings that changes are not likely to go into effect until next year.

What does the change mean? Companies can expect the simpler changes to take effect early in 2015 and the more complex changes later in 2015.

  • Implementation timeframe: Early 2015 and following.
  • Visas/permits affected: Temporary work (skilled) subclass 457 visas.
  • Who is affected: Companies employing foreign workers in the 457 visa category.
  • Impact on processing times: No impact this year. Some of the recommendations favour streamlined processing for companies with a good track record.
  • Business impact: It is too early to tell which recommendations will be adopted and when they will be implemented.
  • Next steps: BAL will update clients as the government releases information on its plans to implement various recommendations. BAL will also be holding information sessions when detailed information is released.

Background: Last week, an independent review panel released its report on the 457 visa program, which contained 22 recommendations to overhaul the system.

BAL Analysis: Companies can expect big changes on the horizon, but in the meantime they will have some months to prepare for the changes and work with their BAL solicitor, as the Australian Government has indicated it will engage with stakeholders before implementing changes.

This alert has been provided by BAL Australia. For additional information, please contact

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