The Canadian government announced it will reopen the Parents and Grandparents Program for its 2023 intake period next month.

Key Points:

  • Authorities will send 24,200 invitations to apply to potential sponsors from Oct. 10-23, with a goal of accepting up to 15,000 completed applications.
  • Invitations will only be sent to individuals who submitted an interest to sponsor form in 2020. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada drew from the 2020 submission pool for the 2021 and 2022 intakes as well.
  • IRCC is still working through a backlog of interest to sponsor form submissions from 2020 and will not accept new interest to sponsor forms at this time.

Additional Information: Potential sponsors must fulfill eligibility requirements in order to participate in the Parents and Grandparents Program. More information is available here.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice Group.

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