The Canadian government has announced that it will update the Global Talent Occupations List.

Key Points:

  • Beginning Dec. 22, occupations eligible under the Global Talent Stream will now include:
    • Aerospace engineers — NOC 2146.
    • Civil engineers — NOC 2131.
    • Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians — NOC 2241.
    • Electrical and electronics engineers — NOC 2133.
    • Mining engineers — NOC 2143.
  • Occupations that will remain eligible under the Global Talent Stream include:
    • Computer and information systems managers — NOC 0213.
    • Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) — NOC 2147.
    • Computer network technicians — NOC 2281.
    • Computer programmers and interactive media developers — NOC 2174.
    • Database analysts and data administrators — NOC 2172.
    • Digital media designers — NOC Subset of 5241.
    • Information systems analysts and consultants — NOC 2171.
    • Information systems testing technicians — NOC 2283.
    • Mathematicians and statisticians (excluding actuaries) — NOC Subset of 2161.
    • Producer, technical, creative and artistic director, and project manager in the visual effects and video game fields — NOC Subset of 5131.
    • Software engineers and designers — NOC 2173.
    • Web designers and developers — NOC 2175.
  • More information regarding the Global Talent Stream and the updated occupations list is available here.

Additional Information: The updated Global Talent Occupations List will include NOC 2016 codes, their corresponding NOC 2021 codes and any associated wage floors. Individuals can check the full list of occupation classifications under NOC 2021 on the Employment and Social Development Canada site by choosing “NOC 2021” from the drop-down menu to search for an occupation.

BAL Analysis: Canadian authorities will expand the Global Talent Occupations List so that more companies can access the streamlined Global Talent Stream to hire more highly skilled foreign nationals in high-demand jobs.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice Group. For additional information, please contact

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