The Australian government has exempted most temporary visa applicants from certain application requirements.

Key Points:

  • As of Oct. 18, temporary visa applicants are not required to complete a medical examination or have chest x-rays taken based on their nationality, previous residence or proposed length of stay.
  • Temporary visa applicants are still required to compete the medical examination and take chest x-rays if they have applied for a medical treatment, temporary protection or a provisional visa, are pregnant and intending to have the baby in Australia or are over the age of 75 (if applying for a visitor visa), among other reasons.
  • This temporary measure is applicable to all pending and new temporary visa applications submitted in Australia.

Additional Information: Australian authorities will not refund those who have already completed the medical examination and chest x-rays. More information regarding Australia’s health requirements for visa applicants is available here.

BAL Analysis: Australian authorities exempted most temporary visa applicants from the medical examination and x-ray requirements to streamline entry processes and reduce application processing times. Authorities will decide whether to extend the temporary exemption in early 2023.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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