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New H-1B rules

Insights to support your company through updates to the H-1B visa program.

Clarifications to H-1B program requirements

On Dec. 18, 2024, DHS published a final rule which included clarifications to H-1B program requirements specifically related to specialty occupation criteria. The final rule revised the regulatory definition and criteria for a position to be deemed a “specialty occupation” and clarified that while the petitioner may accept a range of qualifying degree fields to qualify for the position, the required fields must be directly related to the job duties

Codification of the deference policy

A provision of the final rule published by DHS on Dec. 18, 2024, codified the deference policy to clarify that, when adjudicating a Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, involving the same parties and the same underlying facts, adjudicators generally should defer to a prior USCIS determination on eligibility.

Additional provisions of the Dec. 2024 final rule

The final rule published by DHS on Dec. 18, 2024, included various other provisions, such as:

  • Extending the duration of F-1 status for international students seeking to change their status to H-1B
  • Clarifying eligibility for H-1B cap exemptions for nonprofit and governmental research organizations, and beneficiaries who are not directly employed by a qualifying organization
  • Clarifying that if an H-1B worker will be staffed to a third party, it is the requirements of that third party, and not the petitioner, that are most relevant when determining whether the position is a specialty occupation
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Changes to the H-1B lottery

In February 2024, the Department of Homeland Security published a final rule changing the H-1B registration selection process so that each H-1B beneficiary is selected only once regardless of how many registrations are submitted on the beneficiary’s behalf. This change was designed to eliminate incentives for bad actors to submit multiple H-1B registrations for the same individual and took effect in time for the fiscal year 2025 H-1B lottery.

DHS reported that H-1B registrations for beneficiaries with 2+ registrations were down by 88% for the FY 2025 H-1B cap, indicating that the change to a beneficiary-centric selection process accomplished its goal.