What is the change? The Home Office is advising U.K. and EU nationals with passports that expire between now and May 2020 to renew their passports ahead of Brexit.

What does the change mean? U.K. and EU nationals who are planning travel between the U.K. and EU and who have passports that will expire in the coming months should submit a renewal application as soon as possible. Once the renewal application is submitted, it may take up to three weeks to receive the new passport.

  • Effective date: Immediate and ongoing.
  • Who is affected: U.K. and EU passport holders.
  • Business impact: Companies should urge their U.K. and EU employees traveling in and out of the U.K. to renew their passport if it is set to expire between now and May 2020. After Brexit, it may take considerably longer to renew passports, and U.K. and EU nationals should ensure they have a passport that is valid for the upcoming months ahead of Oct. 31.

Analysis & Comments: U.K and EU nationals traveling in and out of the U.K. after Brexit with a passport set to expire between now and May 2020 should renew their passports now as they may not be able to travel with their current passport after Brexit. Companies should urge affected employees to submit renewal applications immediately to avoid difficulties traveling after Oct. 31.

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