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UK Visas and Immigration is piloting significant changes to U.K. visa processing operations and will be rolling them out to business users over the next six months, as the agency continues its push to digitalize. UKVI intends to make ever greater use of online platforms to deliver services, process visa applications and audit sponsoring employers. This move toward great digitalization should ultimately provide employer-sponsors and U.K. visa applicants faster turnaround times and consistency of service, but may also lead to greater levels of scrutiny.
Key changes are highlighted below:
BAL Analysis: BAL supports UKVI’s commitment to digitalization, as online systems will generally improve efficiencies to deliver a better overall experience for corporate and individual visa applicants. U.K. employers should be aware, however, that digital technologies will also provide UKVI with greater means to audit and monitor sponsor compliance with license-reporting and recordkeeping requirements on a more regular basis.
This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group in the United Kingdom. For additional information, please contact
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