The Ministry of Manpower (MoM) has updated SHN requirements for both employees and employers.
Key Points:
- Pass holders who have only been to the following countries/regions in the 14 days prior to their entry into Singapore can now complete their 14-day SHN at either a suitable place of residence that is occupied only by them or their family members, or at a hotel at their own cost: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Germany (applies to entry approvals granted from June 25), Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, mainland China, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam.
- The above pass holders are not allowed to complete SHN in dormitories or in premises that are occupied by non-family members. The SHN accommodation must fulfil the prevailing SHN advisory and guidelines.
- Pass holders who have been to all other countries in the last 14 days prior to their entry into Singapore, are required to complete their 14-day SHN at a dedicated SHN facility to which the government will transport them on their arrival in Singapore.
- From June 17, 11.59 p.m., pass holders arriving in Singapore will face the following charges for their 14-day SHN accommodation at dedicated facilities (S$2,000 including GST) and COVID-19 test (up to S$200 including GST). The responsibility for bearing the costs of a foreign employee’s SHN accommodation and COVID-19 test is defined as follows:
- Existing work pass holders returning from overseas: For those who left Singapore for work, employers must bear the costs in full and may not pass on any of the cost to employees. For those who left Singapore for personal reasons, employers and employees can come to a mutual agreement on who bears the costs or how to share them. This arrangement also applies to employees who are affected by Malaysia’s Movement Control Order (MCO).
- New work pass holders with in-principle approvals planning to enter Singapore for employment: For Work Permit holders, employers must bear the costs in full and may not pass on any cost to employees. For other work passes, employers and employees can come to a mutual agreement on who bears the costs or how to share them.
Background: Singapore implemented initial quarantine and travel restrictions, including the SHN, in March.
Analysis & Comments: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.
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