Singapore’s government has announced a new initiative, Connect@Singapore, which will create a new, segregated travel lane for business travelers from all countries.

Key Points:

  • Connect@Singapore will allow a select number of travelers from all countries to enter Singapore for short-term visits up to 14 days. Only business, official and high economic value travelers will be allowed to use the segregated travel lane.
  • These travelers will be allowed to begin arriving in Singapore in the second half of January 2021. The government will open applications for the segregated travel lane in the middle of January 2021.
  • Connect@Singapore travelers must obtain a valid negative COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test before departing their home country. They must also undergo another PCR test when they arrive in Singapore.
  • After arriving in Singapore, Connect@Singapore travelers will be required to reside in dedicated facilities the whole time they are in the country. They must also be tested for COVID-19 regularly, including Antigen Rapid Tests and follow Safe Management Measures.
  • Connect@Singapore travelers will be required to remain within appointed facilities in Singapore, where they will be allowed to meet with local visitors. Safe management measures will need to be in place to separate the travelers from other individuals.

Additional Information: More information about Connect@Singapore is available here.

Analysis & Comments:
The new, segregated travel lane will soon allow a limited number of travelers to enter Singapore for business purposes. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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