The Hong Kong Immigration Department has resumed most public services, with only Smart ID Card Replacement services and passenger immigration inspection services remaining suspended at this time.

Key Points:

  • Most Immigration Department services were available as of Monday, May 4. Authorities urged applicants to submit applications by mail, online or via a mobile application when possible. Those who have appointments are permitted to proceed to the relevant office. Those who do not have appointments have been asked to book an appointment before visiting an office in order to reduce wait times.
  • Hong Kong’s nine Smart ID replacement centers remain closed at this time. Those who missed a deadline to apply for a new Smart ID or who have not been able to pick up their Smart ID because of the COVID-19 pandemic will be asked to make an appointment to do so after normal services resume. Additional information is expected soon.
  • Passenger immigration clearance services remain suspended at all entry points except for the Hong Kong International Airport, Shenzhen Bay and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge control points. Visit this website for information on the times during which customs clearance services are available at the Shenzhen Bay and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge control points.

Analysis & Comments: The resumption of most normal immigration services is welcome news, though delays should be expected. Applicants are reminded to submit applications by mail, online or via a mobile app when possible and to book appointments before visiting immigration offices. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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