What is the change? Ukraine has announced the successful launch of its e-visa program for nationals of 46 countries.

What does the change mean? E-visas are valid for a single entry of up to 30 days.

  • Implementation time frame: Immediate and ongoing.
  • Visas/permits affected: E-visas for business or tourist purposes.
  • Who is affected: Nationals of the 46 countries listed below.
  • Impact on processing times: The e-visa will take up to nine days to process.
  • Business impact: E-visas will facilitate business travel by eliminating the need to apply for a visa through a consulate before travel.
  • Next steps: Applicants may apply at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website.

Background: Eligible nationals may apply online, upload supporting documents and pay the government processing fee of US$65 electronically. The e-visa will be emailed to the applicant, who must print it out and present it at the airport upon arrival in Ukraine. 

Nationals of the following countries are eligible for e-visas.

Countries Eligible for E-visas

Australia Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Bahrain Barbados Bhutan
Bolivia Cambodia Costa Rica Dominica Dominican Republic El Salvador
Fiji Grenada Guatemala Haiti Honduras Indonesia
Jamaica Kuwait Laos Malaysia Maldives Mauritius
Mexico Micronesia Myanmar Nepal New Zealand Nicaragua
Oman Palau Peru Qatar Samoa Saudi Arabia
Seychelles Singapore St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Lucia Suriname Thailand
Timor-Leste Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Vanuatu    

BAL Analysis: Eligible nationals may begin using e-visas rather than applying for consular visas. Nationals who are eligible for both e-visas and visas on arrival may choose either program, but travelers should note that e-visas differ from visas on arrival. Visas on arrival are available to nationals of 32 countries (30 of which are also eligible for e-visas), are only available at certain airports, and have different requirements, including a document that confirms the purpose of travel, such as an invitation letter from the hosting entity.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group and our network provider located in Ukraine. For additional information, please contact your BAL attorney.

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