Law360 ranks BAL as one of the nation’s best law firms for female attorneys and partners in the recent Glass Ceiling report. The publication calls BAL a Ceiling Smasher and ranks the firm number three in the 100 Best Law Firms for Female Attorneys and number two in the 25 Best Law Firms for Female Partners.

“We are honored to be acknowledged as pace setters who recognize diversity in the workplace. BAL strives to create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to excel,” stated Frieda Garcia, one of the firm’s equity partners.

Law360 surveyed over 300 U.S. firms, or vereins with a U.S. component, about their overall and female headcount as of December 31, 2015. Only U.S.-based attorneys were included in the survey.

– Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP

Media Contact:
Emily Albrecht
Senior Director — Marketing & Communications