Chinese officials have implemented changes to travel procedures for residence permit holders traveling to China from certain parts of the United States.

Key Points:

  • Travelers who (1) hold valid Chinese residence permits for work, personal matters or reunion and (2) are flying to China from areas in the jurisdiction of the Chinese consulates in Chicago, Los Angeles or San Francisco, must submit a copy of their passport, a copy of their residence permit, and a reason or reasons for travel to China before booking travel or taking the required COVID-19 tests. This information must be provided by email to the relevant consulate.
  • Consular officials may request additional information before approving travel. In some cases, for example, people holding residence permits for work have been asked for an explanation of why their travel is necessary or urgent. Officials may also request a letter from the relevant local government organization in China explaining the necessity of travel and other information.
  • The travel requirements do not apply to Chinese citizens or foreign nationals who secured Chinese visas on or after March 26, 2020.
  • Consular officials “strongly suggest” that foreign nationals in China who hold residence permits for work, personal matters or reunion avoid unnecessary travel abroad and consider the difficulty of returning to China before they leave the country.

Analysis & Comments: COVID-19 travel and immigration policies continue to evolve, and those planning travel to China from the United States or other countries may wish to consult with Deloitte.

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