What is the change? Spanish visa processing centers in Mumbai and New Delhi are expected to temporarily close within the next few days.

What does the change mean? Those needing to file time-sensitive applications at Spanish visa processing centers in Mumbai or New Delhi should do so as soon as possible.

  • Implementation time frame: The last day for submission before the temporary closure in Mumbai is expected to be Saturday, and the last day in New Delhi is expected to be Sunday. The closures could last a few days, but possibly longer.
  • Who is affected:Anyone applying for Spanish visas in Mumbai or New Delhi.
  • Impact on processing times:Processing will be delayed during the closures and possibly when the visa processing centers reopen if a backlog builds up.
  • Business impact: Businesses may need to adjust their schedules if applicants face visa delays.

Background: Spain outsources visa processing in India to VFS Global. The contract between the Spanish government and VFS Global in India is due for renewal and, unless an agreement is finalized, the processing centers in Mumbai and New Delhi are expected to temporarily close this month.

BAL Analysis: Those with time-sensitive applications should file them as soon as possible and, at a minimum, on or before the days listed above. BAL will continue to monitor the situation in India and report if additional information about the expected closures becomes available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group and our network provider located in India. For additional information, please contact your BAL attorney.

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