Kenya recently lifted an amnesty granted to foreign nationals who were in the country when its COVID-19 travel ban was implemented in March.

Key Points:

  • Foreign nationals were given two weeks on Sept. 14 to leave the country or apply for a residence permit or a residence pass. For the time being, visitor’s passes are still being extended/deferred, but foreign nationals who do not comply with the order risk being penalized under the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act.
  • Visas may be extended online but the duration of the extension will vary at the discretion of the immigration official who reviews the request. The duration of the extension also depends on whether there is an ongoing application for a residency permit. For foreign nationals without ongoing residency applications, extension of visas is being deferred for two weeks to allow them to exit Kenya.

Background: International travel resumed in Kenya on Aug. 1.

Analysis & Comments: Employers are encouraged to review the immigration status of expatriate employees and their dependents to ensure that they comply with immigration rules and are not unlawfully in Kenya. Failure to comply with the rules could result in penalties under the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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