The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) has extended the scope of its mandatory medical examination requirement to all immigration permit applicants.

Key Points:

  • The GIS has extended the scope of its mandatory medical examinations to applicants seeking renewal of residence permits, indefinite residence permits, Right of Abode, naturalization and other residence permit types.
  • These new measures take effect June 15, and the medical examination must be completed at the GIS Clinic in Accra.
  • The medical examination fees have also increased from GHS 900 to GHS 1,100 for initial work/residence permit applications and a fee of GHS 600 introduced for work/residence permit renewal applications.

Background: Previously, only applicants for new work and residence permits were required to undergo mandatory medical examination at the GIS Clinic.

Analysis & Comments: These new measures will affect all categories of applications for immigration permits, including renewal applications. Because this will be an additional step for renewal applications, employers should account for this change and schedule medical appointments at the GIS clinic for principal applicants of work/residence permit applications accordingly.

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