The government has released updates regarding who may be designated for exemption from the existing Compulsory Quarantine Arrangement Regulation, which will be in force until June 7.

Key Points:

  • Inbound travelers from mainland China, Macau or Taiwan whose entry into Hong Kong is necessary for:
    • The supply of goods or services required for Hong Kong’s normal operation, or the daily needs of the people of Hong Kong.
    • Governmental operation.
    • The protection of the safety or health of the people of Hong Kong, or the handling of the public health emergency.
    • Receiving nursery, kindergarten, primary, or secondary education at any school registered under the Education Ordinance in Hong Kong, or for the provision of such education.
    • Where traveling is necessary for purposes relating to manufacturing operations, business activities, or provision of professional services in the interest of Hong Kong’s economic development.
    • Additional exempt categories can be found here.
  • Inbound travelers from foreign countries whose entry into Hong Kong is necessary for:
    • The supply of goods or services required for Hong Kong’s normal operation, or the daily needs of the people of Hong Kong.
    • Governmental operation.
    • The protection of the safety or health of the people of Hong Kong, or the handling of the public health emergency.
  • Additional exempt categories of foreign nationals can be found here.

Additional information: As of June 5, the Secretary for Food and Health (SFH) is introducing two categories of locations, both inside mainland China and abroad, with regard to compulsory quarantine.

  • Category 1: Travelers arriving from these locations will be subject to compulsory quarantine. At this stage, SFH has specified all places in China outside Hong Kong and all places outside China as Category 1 specified places.
  • Category 2: Travelers will be excluded from compulsory quarantine arrangements subject to meeting certain conditions (such as obtaining a negative COVID-19 test result).

Analysis & Comments: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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