The government has relaxed travel restrictions for some Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) cardholders. Officials have also put in place a rule requiring all travellers to India to give an undertaking that they will undergo mandatory quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in the country.

Key Points:

  • The following categories of OCI cardholders who are stranded abroad are now permitted to travel to India:
    • Minor children born to Indian nationals abroad and holding OCI cards.
    • OCI cardholders who wish to travel to India because of a family emergency such as a death in the family.
    • Couples consisting of one OCI cardholder spouse and one Indian national spouse, with permanent residence in India.
    • University students who are OCI cardholders (and not legally minors), but whose parents are Indian citizens living in India.
  • Before boarding their flights, all travelers to India must now provide an undertaking that they will undergo mandatory quarantine for 14 days. This consists of seven days of institutional quarantine at their own cost, followed by seven days of isolation at home with self-monitoring of health. Exceptions to mandatory institutional quarantine are available to those who qualify (click here for more information).

Background: India initially suspended international flights in March and has extended the flight suspension several times since, while also embarking on an ambitious repatriation operation.

Analysis & Comments: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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