The government has announced that foreign nationals can no longer visit FRRO offices without an appointment. Additionally, foreign nationals who are unable to leave India and whose visa will expire may extend their visa.

Key Points:

  • Foreign nationals who need to visit the FRRO for OCI registration or other visa-related matters must make an appointment.
  • Foreign nationals who are unable to leave India owing to travel bans, and whose visa expires between March 13 and April 15, may extend their visa at no charge by submitting an online application.
  • Foreign nationals whose visa expires between March 13 and April 15, and who wish to leave India, may do so without paying a penalty for overstaying.

Additional information: Affected visas include regular visas, e-visas and stay stipulations.

Analysis & Comments: The visa extension policy is good news for employers, as foreign employees can extend their visa validity online. The response to COVID-19 continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

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