What is the change? The government has banned entry for all foreign nationals traveling from, or transiting through, mainland China.

What does the change mean? Residents of mainland China, as well as foreign nationals who have traveled in or transited through mainland China since Feb. 2, are barred from entering New Zealand.

Implementation time frame: The restrictions took effect Feb. 2 and will remain in effect until they are lifted by the New Zealand government.

  • Visas/permits affected: Visitor visas, work visas, visa waivers.
  • Who is affected: Foreign nationals who have spent any time in mainland China since Feb. 2. The entry ban does not apply to New Zealand citizens, New Zealand residents or their immediate family. These individuals will be allowed to enter New Zealand, but will be required to self-isolate for 14 days upon arriving back in the country.
  • Business impact: Employers of foreign national employees traveling from or by way of mainland China may experience delays affecting employee mobility.
  • Next steps: Employers should anticipate further restrictions regarding travel from mainland China.

Analysis & Comments: The government has suspended entry for all foreign nationals traveling from or transiting through mainland China since Feb. 2. Further, it has temporarily closed the Immigration New Zealand office in Beijing. Employers should expect significant mobility delays for employees and business visitors coming from or via mainland China. The response to the coronavirus continues to evolve, and Deloitte will alert clients to additional changes or restrictions as information becomes available.

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